The purpose of this project is, one: I hate not remembering things that I've done in the past.There's all these things that I've done with my life that I have no recollection of unless someone brings it up, and sometimes I think, "Oh yeah, that's something that I did.- Cesar Kuriyama
This is a video that I saw before going to bed last night, this video really inspired me to do something to remember everyday. The part that I love most of this talk was when he talks about the day that he forgets to film which cause him to never forget again. I wondered how many times I thought about something similar that I would never forget to something again or I would do it for sure and ending up forgetting or not doing. His convection and realization of how important recording that one second each day had become. Looking for that one second worth recording everyday, even if it is horrible,wonderful moment to make sure we appreciate life more 1 second at a time. I currently thinking of doing a similar project. Maybe through photos or music. 1 minutes of your favourite songs for every month of the year and it will be a great playlist at the end. Even, I got an idea of filming my mom for 1 second everyday. It would a great thing to watch because my mom is so funny. I don't have any pets, but 1 second of your pet everyday would be so cute as well. I think there are so many variations and possibilities which makes me so excited and hopeful for this project.